Actin Meshure

MSci Extended Research project (2022-2023)

London Centre for Nanotechnology | UCL

Aim: ActinMeshure is an open-source Python library for image segmentation. It was developed for super-resolution microscopy images of cytoskeletal actin meshwork but can be applied to a broader range of segmentation tasks.

Methods: implemented state of the art image processing and edge detection algorithms, morphological operations, using libraries such as numpy, sci-kit image, scipy, openCV to segment the mesh structure. Implemented classes for batch-processing and tools for interactive analysis with semi-automated hyperparameter tuning.

Output: An installable and documented open-source Python library for biomedical image processing.

Key words: Python, software engineering, image processing/segmentation tool, super-resolution microscopy.

Quantitative microscopy image processing

Summer internship project (2022)

Royal Microscopical Society | King's College London

Aim: extract biologically relevant quantitative information from microscopy images of S. cerevisiae (baker's yeast) cells using applied mathematics and/or deep learning methods.

Methods: curated data using ImageJ macros; implemented the linear Hough transform in Python; used Gaussian fitting (SciPy, sci-kit learn) and FWHM for line curation; compared the Hough transform to linear regression; hyperparameter tuning for a proposed specific U-net architecture to train a CNN.

Output: repo published on group's GitHub presented work at joint group meeting; wrote a concise two-page report, published in the infocus magazine.

Key words: Python, ImageJ macros, image processing/segmentation, applied mathematics.

Modelling the kinetics of protometabolism

MSci Investigative project (2021-2022)

Genetics, Evolution and Environment | UCL

Aim: understand the kinetic conditions which could enable and/or drive the evolution of metabolism at the origin of life.

Methods: implemented a stochastic kinetic model of a curated set of biochemical reactions in R to explore the behaviour of a proposed protometabolic network; simulated the dynamics of the network using the Gillespie algorithm; reviewed advanced mathematical modelling and parameter space exploration techniques for expansion of the model; conducted a brute-force parameter scan.

Output: 7,000 word report with a literature review component; was awarded Harold and Olga Fox prize for best MSci Investigative project symposium presentation.

Key words: stochastic modelling, Gillespie algorithm, R/RStudio, parameter space exploration, dimensionality curse.

Heterogeneity in COVID-19 transmissibility

Summer data science studentship project (2021)

Oxford Big Data Institute

Aim: disease transmission is often modelled using the negative binomial distribution. This project integrated data from multiple sources with the aim of understanding whether this assumption held for SARS-CoV-2 transmission.

Methods: integrated large datasets from multiple sources by mapping relevant variables; creatively visualised the data to spot patterns in viral transmissibility.

Output: creative visualisations which highlight age-stratified differences in SARS-CoV-2 transmission; presented work at GEE Undergraduate Symposium (Sep. 2021).

Key words: R/RStudio (ggplot2), Python (matplotlib, seaborn), transmission matrix, mathematical modelling.

Modelling waning Sars-CoV-2 vaccination immunity

Summer data science studentship project (2021)

Oxford Big Data Institute

Aim: expanding a difference equation transmission-dynamic model of COVID-19 to include the effects of vaccination and waning vaccination immunity.

Methods: introduced compartments and difference equations for vaccination and waning immunity; explored the possibility of using Partially Observed Markov Process (POMP) models for more detailed description of the transmission dynamics.

Output: template for the simulation in R/RStudio and a report outlining the new equations.

Key words: partially observed Markov process, dynamic modelling, age-structured deterministic model.